Bridge sunken archaeological bridge in the Netherlands

bridge in the Netherlands archaeological bridge in the Netherlands many countries are building
within that some bridges states as a kind of facilitating access to other area you want to go to it and if we look during a trip around the cities of the world you will find as there are many the shapes of buildings, roads designed by professional architects across the world there is also a strange and wonderful forms of private bridges are in the country of India, which was building the bridges strangely due to their construction they have used in their construction of the entire tree trunks. One of the strange bridges that have been built which is our topic of our conversation today bridge was built in the Netherlands, has been launched by the name of strange, a "sunken bridge" because of the strangeness is an incision is separated by water, as long as it is water were industry of wood because the iron rust and eroding On the one hand so it was industry of wood Alokoaa because he was this wood has a great ability to resist what are breeding in the water of fungi and all kinds of bacteria that spoil everything, but I would not be surprised to learn that this bridge is a bridge historically, being constructed in order to commemorate the Story sea incision done by the Prophet Moses, peace be upon him. But this is not just the bridge that gives the historical value of the place shall be to attract the tourist center, but also there beside the bridge a historic place as well as due to the 19th century, a large fortress was not hunker down in a period of wars and was a line of defense in 1628, especially in the time of the French invaders and the Spaniards, and therefore this is the bridge in addition to the archaeological area of ​​the fort witnessed many historic events.